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Recent blog articles

Nuclear threats, common security and disarmament

A reflection on the 35th anniversary of New Zealand’s nuclear weapons ban, and what we can do now to prevent nuclear war and achieve global nuclear abolition. by Alyn Ware* If you have been following the conflict in Ukraine, you will no doubt have noticed that not only has Russia ...
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Nuclear weapons and law for the future

Nuclear weapons and law for the future: The application of principles protecting future generations in international tribunals By Alyn Ware* Paper presented at ‘Taking Legal Action on Behalf of Future Generations’, an international conference held from November 17-18, 2017 hosted by the University of Caen (France) and organized by Region ...
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Human Security and the United Nations are vital to address the pandemic

The corona virus pandemic has highlighted how important the United Nations and a human security framework (versus a military security framework) are for humanity in this globalized world. Globalisation – especially international travel – has been a key factor in the spread of the virus. On the other hand, key ...
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